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Monday, January 27, 2025

Baywood Bridge League
Location: Baywood Community Center
Time: 6:30pm to 9pm
The Baywood Bridge League includes both novice and intermediate-level players, and we encourage players of all levels to join us, including those just beginning the game.  Feel free to drop by and observe or kibitz to see how the group works.
We adhere to Standard American bidding (5-card major openings, weak two & three bids except for 2 clubs, which denotes a hand of 22 points or more) and recommend the three-volume Official Better Bridge Series, authored by Audrey Grant around 2006, and published by Baron Barclay Bridge as a reference.  
All three are available for about $10 each on Amazon, and the first volume, Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction, is an absolutely required starting point for all of us.
Contact: Ed King (Long Spoon Way) for more information.